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November 19, 2014

At home with Aerie






Sweater: Old || Plaid cami:Aerie || Sweatpants:Aerie

I'm a ha-uge fan of lazy weekend mornings. Who isn't? I love staying in my PJ's for entirely too long, drinking coffee in bed and lots of play/cuddle time with our little nugget. So when I got the chance to try out Aerie's cable knit joggers, I jumped at the chance. Not only are they cute, but they're so unbelievably comfortable. I won't even try to describe how soft the inside is because there really are no words for this level of cozy. They strike the perfect balance between loungewear but not being embarrassed if someone happens to knock at the door, know what I'm sayin'?

If you don't already have a pair, do yourself a favor and snatch them up (they come in tons of colors!). And grab some for a friend while you're at it. It's the season of giving, after all ;)

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