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June 27, 2013

Goodbye, Google Reader

Finding out that Google Reader was going away was like going through a bad breakup. We'd been together forever and the only foreseeable way of coping was to drown my sorrows in ice cream and Chinese takeout.

Okay, not really. But GR and I go way back and we've been through a lot. From finding my first fashion blogs (aww!) to wedding planning to keeping the dozens upon dozens of blogs I currently read in order, we've definitely built up a history. And if you're anything like me, you felt the same way.

Today I wanted to offer a friendly little reminder that as of July 1 (that's next Monday, friends), Google Reader will be no more. It stings, I know, but there are other options! I also wanted to make sure that I don't lose any of you!

If you're currently using Google Reader to read Chain Strap Purse, might I suggest switching to either Bloglovin' or Feedly. Both are great and will make sure you don't miss any new content - from me or any of your other favorite bloggers! Importing your current feeds is easy and should only take a few minutes. So scurry on over to Bloglovin' or Feedly ASAP!

I'm confident we can get through this together ;)


1 comment:

  1. I've been using feedly for awhile now and absolutely LOVE it!!! I'm sad to see GR go too! :(


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