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June 22, 2012

Day in the Life

About a month ago, I was asked by IFB to be a part of their virtual summer road trip across the country. Since May 28, a different blogger has taken over their Instagram account to showcase life in cities like San Francisco, Atlanta, and Chicago. Today, I'm happy to be showing them around D.C.!

You can follow along on their Instagram account, username is @_IFB, or, if you don't have the app, can see all the photos here. And be sure to check out the other fabulous bloggers who are a part of this fun little project! Some of my favorites so far have been by Krystal, Audrey and Natalie.

And don't forget that you can see all of my pictures by following me on Instagram as well! My username is @allycog!

Have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies!


P.S. Purse Picks will be back next Friday!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like so much fun- congrats! can't wait to check out the pics.


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