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May 14, 2012

Recent Happenings

1. My first time horseback riding!
2. A fun street plaque in San Diego's Little Italy.
3. Our last sunset in California.
4. My first time shooting clay pigeons. Turns out, I have a pretty good shot!
5. Bright nails call for bright pants.
6. New sunnies I picked up while on the West Coast.
7. Finding reminders of your trip in the bottom of your purse while at work is depressing.
8. Can't get enough of my new Equipment blouse! And I love pairing it with simple but classic accessories.

Just a few snapshots from the rest of my time in California and then our first week back. For more, find me on Instagram (username is allycog) or follow along here!

Happy Monday lovelies!



  1. Can't believe it was your first time riding a horse!! Love your Equipment blouse...really need to get one for myself! :)


  2. I love horses, but I am incredibly allergic to them.

  3. A girl after my own heart. Love a girl that can shoot a gun!

    xx Lynzy


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