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May 11, 2012

Purse Picks gets a makeover

Purse Picks

Clockwise from top left: One | Two | Three | Four

If you're thinking that Purse Picks looks a little different this week, you'd be right!

You see, once things are the same way for a while I get antsy and want to change/improve them. I love being able to pick out fabulous purses for you all on a weekly basis, but choosing only one was just too difficult! And when it comes to purses, I say the more the merrier! This allows me to give you guys more options because, let's be honest, not everyone has the same taste. Which I totally love! (The design element was also bugging me, so it was definitely time for a makeover.)

With that being said, I really hope you enjoy the new format and your plethora of options! Oh, and if you ever stumble upon a great bag that you think absolutely, positively, without a doubt must be included, please feel free to send it my way. You might see it included in the week's round up!

Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there (especially mine - hi mom, love you!)!

XO, Alison

Find these and everything else I'm currently loving by stalking me on Currently Obsessed!


  1. All mommies should be as lucky as me.
    Love you too

  2. Naturally, I want the splurge purse! Love the new look & multiple options.

  3. I love that Kate Spade purse, the purple is fabulous.


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