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September 26, 2011

Things IC in DC: Pink tutu

Update: An astute reader let me know that since the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for a Cure was this past weekend (and this picture was snapped on Friday), our bike rider may have been on his way to participate. Which makes him even more awesome.

Any guy willing to ride through the streets of D.C. in this get-up, especially for such a worthy cause, makes him A-OK in my book.

I'm leaving my original post below as is, but felt and update was appropriate as to not offend.

Nothing says "Good morning, Washington D.C." quite like a guy riding a bike wearing a pink tutu. And a safety vest. Complete with a pink helmet.

The best part? Other than his accessories du jour, the dude looked completely normal. Seems to me like someone lost a bet. Big time. Quite possibly to his six year old daughter.

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog

1 comment:

  1. HAHA Alison! We have a red dress run here in new orleans and the guys wear red dresses and tutus! It's hilarious. Happy Monday! :D
    SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim


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