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September 28, 2011

District Sample Sale: The aftermath

On Monday night, I attended my very first District Sample Sale and, you guys, it was so fun!

I honestly can't say enough good things about the event as a whole - the retailers and their staffs were incredibly friendly and helpful, the food was amazing and, despite there being hundreds of bargain-hunting fashionistas packed into one room, I'm happy to report there were no casualties.

I somehow managed to juggle my purse, tote bag, camera, iPhone and a glass of champagne all while perusing the local boutiques for a deal. In the midst of the excitement, I didn't realize that the settings on my camera were wrong and my photos were coming out dark. Fortunately I switched lenses about halfway through and was still able to get some shots:

The only good pic from before it started...because it was light out.


And of course, I couldn't leave empty handed:

Dress from Babe in Baltimore

Necklace and bracelets from Fornash in Georgetown

Did you walk away with any fabulous finds from the District Sample Sale?

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. So awesome!!! Love your picks-- AND your pics! :)

  2. I LOVE the bracelets and necklace from Fornash! Now I want to run down to Georgetown and get some for myself! :)

  3. Were the prices reasonable for a vintage sale? What store had the best selection, in your opinion?

  4. Girl, that dress is AWESOME!!! Loving the gold accents at the top. It will look beautiful on you! :D
    SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim


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