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May 28, 2015

All white




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Top ℅ || Jeans || Heels  || Bag: Chanel (similar here, budget-friendly version here) || Bracelets: Knox Thomas Designs c/o

If I could live in one outfit all summer, this would be it. (Okay, and maybe throw in my denim cutoffs for some variety). Not only is it all white -- which I find so classy, feminine and breezy -- but it includes my favorite trend right now: anything off the shoulder! Maybe it's just my petite stature, but finding these bare shoulder pieces has been a little challenging. Some are too baggy or, if they're meant to be cropped, they don't hit me in the right places and look weird. But this top from Chicwish works so well and is super comfy and lightweight. I dressed it up here with my white skinnies and strappy heels, but also love wearing it with shorts and sandals. I love how it's just a little bit sexy, too! It is summer, after all ;)

Thanks to Chicwish for sponsoring this post.


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