Let's pretend for a second that wearing something other than boots of any kind was an option. I know it's a stretch, but if you close your eyes and concentrate really hard, you might be able to picture what warmer weather feels like. Now that you have the visual, imagine yourself rocking one of these fab pairs of shoes. From flats to wedges to strappy sandals, I'm just dying to wear something that requires a pedicure!
At this point, I'd even settle for a transitional shoe like those blue cutout/peeptoe booties. Or even the Miu Miu-inspired coral flats (which happen to be on sale) with the heel detail.
That's not too much to ask, is it?
Haha I'm in total denial about our winter weather too, so I'll play along & pretend! Those white flats are so perfect and exactly what I've been looking for!! :)