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October 4, 2013

Purse Picks: Danielle Nicole

Purse Picks: Danielle Nicole

After discovering, becoming completely obsessed with, and then purchasing this bag the other day all in less than ten minutes flat, I was proverbially smacked upside the head with the realization that I've never featured Danielle Nicole handbags for Purse Picks. Shame. On. Me. Especially after getting to know Danielle earlier this year and rocking her designs over and over (a few examples here, here and here), I can't believe it's taken me this long to do a roundup!

I almost dare you to find a better line of purses and clutches that are more affordable (nothing over $100!), stylish and well-made than these. And those colors. How perfect are they for fall? That cognac satchel just makes me want to light cinnamon candles and drink hot cider all day every day. Amiright?

Have a great weekend!


P.S. This is not a sponsored post, I just really love the Danielle Nicole brand and wanted to share!


  1. Love that Gap find! Looks so luxe!


  2. Super cute picks! Loving the Diane clutch!



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