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August 2, 2013

Purse Picks: My fall bag

Purse Picks: Fall

As much as I'm trying to avoid talking about the fact that it's August and ignore all those people who are saying summer is basically over, it's getting harder and harder to look past all the amazing fall fashion out there. Truth be told, I've secretly always loved the back-to-school time of year. Maybe because - even though I'm nowhere near being a student anymore - it gives me the sense of a new beginning and starting fresh. Plus, who doesn't love cozy knits and boots?

It's around the same time that my adult self starts out on the hunt for the perfect fall bag. I don't usually have too many requirements, other than it has to be a somewhat neutral color and big enough to fit all my stuff. Sounds easy in theory, but every year I end up taking months to make a decision and before I know it, it's spring (at least the bags I liked are usually on major sale by then!).

To get ahead of the game, I figured I'd start now. I'm currently leaning towards this one, but am wondering if I should splurge this time around! Thoughts?



  1. I agree with your dream bag! I splurge on bags and feel like they do last longer, what I hate though is when you start seeing everybody else with the same bag! That sucks!!

  2. I tend to buy bags about twice a year-- and usually they are pretty simple. I recently switched back over to my gray Tory Burch as it has been my favorite since I bought it. The leather is so soft and I just love having it everywhere I go.

  3. I love your purse picks posts because I'm so clueless about bag styles and brands and it's so great to get some suggestions from a trusted source ;)

    xo, Liz
    {What Dress Code?}

  4. That Tory bag is gorgeous (I'm partial to the blush color myself), but definitely a splurge! I say keep an eye out at Zara for something similar!


  5. LOVE that warehouse bag with the metal edges--- super cute!



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