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January 25, 2013

Purse Picks: Laser cut

Purse Picks: Laser cut

Happy Friday, loves! It's been an unusually long week here in D.C. (even though most of us had Monday off) - I think because everyone is still trying to get back to normal after the Inauguration festivities and the city is slowly returning to business as usual. Other than celebrating a friend's birthday on Saturday night, I plan on taking it easy and checking some items off my to-do list!

As far as this week's Purse Picks go, we all know that a fun pattern can take something ordinary to the next level, and I definitely feel like the laser cut detailing does that for these purses. I especially love pieces like the teal wallet, where the punched out material reveals a gold metallic underlay (or, in other cases, a fun pop of color). And for only $20, it's undoubtedly a budget-friendly way to update the inside of your purse :)

Have a great weekend!



  1. Loving that pink bag! Too cute!

    I too plan on checking some things off the to-do list! : )


  2. um YES to that first one! i mean i could totally use ALL of them!



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