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December 14, 2012

Purse Picks: Boxy

Purse Picks: Boxy

Shop each clutch below

I attended a couple blogger events this week where I got to meet the lovely Nifesimi from Skinny Hipster. At both events, I couldn't help but notice the adorable box clutch she was toting. I've never been one to gravitate towards these tiny accessories, mostly because I tend to carry around a giant purse with half of what I own in it. It's a self-editing problem, really. I mean, doesn't everyone carry around three pairs of sunglasses just to have options?

Every now and then, however, I like to downsize everything and give my shoulder/arm a break by leaving the big bags at home. These clutches are perfect for fitting the essentials - cell phone, credit cards, lipstick/lip gloss - while forcing you to leave everything else behind. It's actually kinda liberating, if you think about it.

I'm seriously crushing on the gold one and might have to make it mine sooner rather than later. Which one is your favorite?



  1. Ooh, number four is amazing - love the geometric detail!


  2. Love the gold one too! I'm going to a wedding this weekend & am bringing my grandmother's tiny little clutch. With a backup b/c I have no idea if I can fit even the basics in it! Cell phones definitely cause a problem in tiny bags!

  3. I feel the same. I am definitely "what if" girl and always carry the world in my bag... like do I really need 2 dslrs with me and 2 pairs of shoes? lol

  4. I struggle to not carry around a large purse too but these are super cute! I love number 1! xo
    Best, M.


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