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July 20, 2012

Purse Picks : So clutch

Purse Picks: Clutch

Clockwise from top left: One | Two | Three | Four

I'm so excited to be heading to a wedding in New Jersey this weekend with my husband's family. It's been a while since we all got together and I can't wait to see everyone!

In keeping with that theme, I wanted to share a few cute clutches - perfect for weddings both now and into the fall. And if you're anything like me, you'll also use them for a night out with the girls or a dinner date with the husband.

Oh, and in case you missed it, I (along with 16 other gorgeous D.C. bloggers) was featured on the Washingtonian's Shop Around blog yesterday! Click here to see some sartorial inspiration to help keep you out of a summer style rut.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love all of these pics, but I'd have to say that beaded envelope one is my top pick!

    Cathy, your Poor Little It Girl


  2. forever21 has amazing accessories right now! i saw your gold pick in store yesterday and it is gorge!

    xx theflossylife

  3. I love this title. Almost more than those beautiful clutches! - J

  4. Wow that flower one is sooooooo beautiful!


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