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May 29, 2012

Tuesday Temptations : Birthday girl

Tuesday Temptations

Somehow my birthday has managed to sneak up on me this year (it's this Saturday!). Which is weird because I love birthdays and will probably be one of those people who counts down the days and has a "birthday week" until...forever!

Either way, I'll take any excuse to put a wishlist together filled with pretty things to celebrate!

And I couldn't help but pick bright, sunny pieces - especially since my birthday has been the official start of summer for me. It's right after Memorial Day and it was always around this time that I remember it finally being warm enough to wear shorts to school again. Annnndddd you got to bring in cupcakes to share with your friends. I'm in favor of bringing this back. Who's with me?

I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend!


Find these and everything else I'm currently loving by stalking me on Currently Obsessed!


  1. Those are temptations indeed!! I love #7 so adorable!

  2. Those shoes are too much I need them now!

  3. aww, happy early birthday! Love these picks, especially those NARS polishes! :)


  4. Loving five and seven. Happy almost Birthday!



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