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May 25, 2012

Purse Picks : Patriotic

Purse Picks: Memorial Day

Clockwise from top left: One | Two | Three | Four

My friends, we made it! It was questionable at times, but we've finally arrived at Friday and now have a glorious three day weekend ahead of us! I plan on taking full advantage of the extra day and hope to spend more than my fair share of time at the pool catching up on the pile of magazines currently on my coffee table.

Above are some patriotic picks in honor of Memorial Day...and because it never hurts to have some inspiration as you hit up those fabulous sales they're bound to have this weekend. And let's not pretend there won't be some online shopping/browsing going on, myself included.

I hope that whatever you do this weekend, it's relaxing and refreshing. And if you're doing something totally fabulous (aka anything I'd be even remotely envious of), feel free to share in the comments!


Find these and everything else I'm currently loving by stalking me on Currently Obsessed!


  1. Ohhh la la. Love the nautical purse, very cute for summer. Nice purse picks Alison!


  2. Cute purses! I love the orangey envelope clutch. I just stumbled upon your blog and I love love love your outfits! I can see myself in all of the ones you've put out there.


  3. The orange one is adorable as well as the nautical themed one, perfect for summer! Amazing blog, I'm subscribing now :)

    - J


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