And since it's Tiffany & Co., you know they had to do something big to commemorate this milestone. What better way than to create a brand new metal? That's right, a one-of-a-kind alloy developed exclusively for the occasion!
It's called RUBEDO™ and is an amalgamation of silver, gold and copper, all fused together to create a rose gold-like metal that seeks to capture the warmth and glow of dawn's first light. Brilliant, right? I've never been a fan of copper/bronze/rose gold jewelry, but I have to be honest. The pieces are stunning and I'd wear any of them in a heartbeat.
Product images courtesy of Tiffany & Co.
All of the RUBEDO™ pieces are part of the Tiffany 1837™ designs collection, which means they have the engraved signature of founder Charles Lewis Tiffany along with the other symbols associated with the iconic jeweler.
They were generous enough to surprise me with the necklace pictured above (found here) which I adore, but I really love a lot of the other pieces as well. I seem to be drawn toward bracelets, so the cuffs are definitely a favorite! The interlocking bangles are also tempting!
The entire collection is available online, and you can check it out in person at their Fairfax Square location in Tyson's Corner. I can't promise you won't be tempted, but I can promise you won't be disappointed!
P.S. Don't you love the happy coincidence that my site/font colors match this post?! It's the little things.
トリーバーチ 財布の鮮やかなデザインは街中で持ち歩いたら危ないかも、ちょっと気を付けよう、中は沢山の福沢諭吉さんが収納したと思われる。通勤や通学で大活躍出来る、デザインだけじゃなく、実用性もしっかり備わっている、使ってるうちに段々手に馴染む、とてもいい感触です。toryburchはオシャレ好きな女性にとって一番似合うブランドだと思います、大人の雰囲気もどんどん溢れている、魅力倍増です。