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February 24, 2012

Purse Picks : Cobalt

I know everyone is currently talking about neons and pastels, but one color I'm particularly loving right now is cobalt blue. I especially love it in this adorable little shoulder bag. It's easily able to be combined with so many other colors and can conveniently be dressed up or down. As the warm weather approaches, I see it as the perfect accessory for shopping or a lazy afternoon in the park.

Purse Picks

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Any big plans?


P.S. You can see the items in this set and everything else I'm currently loving by stalking me on Currently Obsessed!


  1. Love classic red, white, and blue. I love the shirt because it makes it look crisp and not 4th of July. Great outfit!

  2. I was just looking at that Forever21 purse yesterday - so cute!


  3. i hav had my eye on that purse as well!!! i mite have to give in and buy it now!


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