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January 31, 2012

The Next Big Style Blogger

So there's currently this little competition going on over at Refinery29. They're searching for the Next Big Style Blogger.

To be honest, I'm more excited just to be included among a group of super stylish, talented, smart and sweet bloggers - some who I've gotten to know personally. But of course, I'm not saying it wouldn't be awesome to win.

So here it goes: Over the past six months or so, I've seen this blog grow into something I never would have imagined possible and continue to be blown away by all of your sweet comments, tweets, e-mails and, mostly, your support. I do this because I love it and those things are the most rewarding aspects of blogging. So if you love reading Chain Strap Purse as much as I like writing it, I definitely wouldn't discourage you if you wanted to head over to their site and vote. You can also click on the badge in the right hand column.

As always, thanks for reading and for all your support!


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