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November 29, 2011

Tuesday Temptations

Tuesday Temptations

Click here for Polyvore set.

Who else is with me when I say thank goodness Cyber Monday is over? Phew! I was able to snag some things I've had my eye on for months now (namely these and these in bright red), but my wallet/bank account/husband sure are glad we're back to just temptations rather than purchases!

Speaking of temptations, how striking is that Marc Jacobs watch? A friend from work recently bought it and, let me tell you, it really grabs your attention! My eyes went right to it the first time she had it on. It's gorgeous in person! And such a nice deviation from the standard gold we're so used to seeing.

Happy (non-cyber) Tuesday!

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. They're sold out in my size!!! I want those flats...great find!

  2. That sequined dress is just sparkly awesome!!! :D


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