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October 27, 2011

Getting organized

There are two closets in my bedroom. I like to refer to them as his and hers. Hers (aka mine) being the walk-in one with multi-level rods and a nice little display shelf where I've been not-so-lovingly tossing my jewelry/accessories since we moved in.

I try to keep it organized, I promise I do. But it usually ends up looking like a mess of jewelry, belts and the occasional bottle of nail polish (or five). It's kind of like abstract art if you squint a little.

However, I'm a firm believer that an organized closet is a must. Even if it's small, a well put together space helps simplify life and - most importantly - mornings. The pictures above (all found on my Pinterest) are what I'm using as inspiration as I seek out things to transform my space from just a closet into my own personal haven, if you will. I'm especially on the lookout for adorable vintage plates to display some of my every day jewelry in.

How do you keep your accessories organized? I'm taking any and all suggestions!

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. I used to be so bad at organizing my accessories! I found this cool combination hook/shelf thing at value village--I hang all my necklaces from it and then have tiny bowls on the shelf that I keep my rings in. I want to try that big clear bowl of nail polish!

    La Petite Marmoset

  2. For my accessories, I use clear boxes that I got at the container store. I love it because I can see everything and they look so pretty (and don't collect dust). All the info about what boxes to get is in my blog. Hope that helps.

  3. Are these pics from your house?!! I love the nail polish vase! Thats such a cool idea!

  4. Organization helps you get ready better!!! I usually buy hangers that I can hang an entire outfit on to save room (small closets). Everything really has a place in my house. It helps. :D


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