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July 29, 2011

A television debut and men's wardrobe must-haves

Earlier today, the hubs - aka Vincent - got word that he'd have the (somewhat last minute) opportunity to appear on a local news talk show in DC tonight. His job, essentially being political commentary, is often fast-paced and things happen quickly. So when a show needs someone, they need them ASAP - often giving only a few hours notice to guests or panelists.

Sure, that's all well and good, but this has nothing to do with fashion. Right? Wrong, my friends! Because while Vincent may be going over talking points in his head, I'm going over what he should be wearing.

Surprised? I didn't think so.

Fortunately, the decision was easy because of the wardrobe essentials he already has in his closet that every man should own.

The navy blue suit

A sharp white dress shirt

A statement tie

Dark brown shoes and matching belt


I'm all about timeless pieces that transcend seasons, styles and trends, and these are definitely at the top of the list when it comes to menswear. Each is a great investment and, as we were reminded today, you just never know when it'll come in handy!

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog

P.S. So excited and proud of you, Vin!

Photo credits: BananaRepublic.com, Bloomingdales.com, Macys.com, ColeHaan.com.


  1. Those must-haves are right on! I love navy blue suits.

  2. Gorgeous! my husband also like navy blue suits.


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