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December 15, 2010

Bundle up!

It is currently f-f-f-freezing in the Northeast. And if I had to describe stepping out in the cold, I would have to say it's probably a lot like having knives thrown at your face or any area of skin you may have exposed. Yeah. It's brutal.

Of course, having lived here my whole life I own a variety of warm coats (and was lucky enough to get a car with remote start) but when the frigid weather hits, I'm always tempted to invest in another one. Plus, I kinda have a thing for outerwear.

For now I'll be sticking to what's already in my closet, but here are two serious contenders I may keep my eye on to pick up at the end of the season:

Stay warm!


Photo credit: Bloomingdales.com.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Juicy Parka! I bought something similar to it but in beige ( and wayyyyy cheaper!) It's nice because it's longer than my other coats :)


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