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October 25, 2010

Fashion icons make great Halloween costumes

One of my favorite fashion sites, Fashionista, has so graciously compiled a list of Halloween costumes based on well-known figures in the industry. Their list of "Fashion-themed Halloween costumes for the daring" includes some of the most iconic and outrageous personalities in the world of fashion. From editors to designers to magazine covers, these outfit ideas are sure to turn heads.

Betsey Johnson takes a bike ride instead of a bow.
This compilation is a great place to start, but by no means includes everyone whose daily outfits would make the perfect Halloween costume. Personally, I might also add Vogue's Anna Wintour, whose signature brown bob is pretty easy to find in the form of a wig, despite it being less than a week until the holiday. Designer Betsey Johnson would also be fun if you're looking for something a bit more more eye-catching and, perhaps, even eccentric.

Might I suggest that carrying around a photo of your inspiration may not be a bad idea either, as you may have to do a little explaining to those unfamiliar with your choice of costume.


Photo credit: Style.com.

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