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August 4, 2014

H&M opens in downtown DC

It happens every year. August rolls around, people start talking about the "end of summer" (can we not?), and I get mildly depressed. The only saving grace? Fall clothes. If I've said it 100 times, I haven't said it enough: fall is my absolute favorite time of the year when it comes to getting dressed. And when it comes to updating my wardrobe, H&M is one of my go-to stores.

Fortunately (or maybe not so much for my bank account), they're opening a brand new store about two blocks from my office and I'm stoked to be getting in on the action. And guess what? I want you to join me for the grand opening! Plus, you have the chance to stock up on fab fall pieces for free!

Come out this Thursday (August 7) to the new H&M at 1133 Connecticut Ave NW. Line up early and be one of the first five people to tweet or Instagram at @allycog and @hmusa using the hashtag #hmlovessummer for your chance to win a head to toe look, style consultation and early access to the store. Five winners will be chosen at 11 a.m. so make sure to grab your coffee and get in line as early as you can! The store opens to the public at noon!

And in case you need some motivation, below are just a few of my favorite fall pieces! Hope to see you there!

H&M Fall 2014

Shop all the pieces here



  1. That dress and that hat would look perfect in my closet!


  2. Wish I could come!! Have a blast lady!

    Style for the Seasons


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