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October 25, 2011

Tuesday Temptations

Tuesday Temptations

Click here for Polyvore set.

Do you ever have a day or two where you're just feeling underwhelmed and uninspired? I blame it on having way too much fun over the weekend!

Either way, I'm happy that it's time for Tuesday Temptations, since nothing gets the creative wheels turning quite like a little online shopping - or in this case, browsing.

I'm definitely drawn towards all things cozy right now, as evidenced by the majority of the selections above. But the pave link bracelet from J.Crew and the Vince sequin skirt definitely round out my current cravings and give them just the right amount of sparkle. Don't you think?

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. Love, love, love the Felt Shopper!!!!

  2. J.Crew jewelry is shutting it down these days... ;)

  3. Ally, i love the blouse, skirt, handbag, bracelet AND JACKET! What's my total? I've probably blown my budget. Awesome pics girl!

  4. That sweater has my name written alllllllll over it! So cozy!

    Cathy, you Poor Little It Girl



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