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September 1, 2011

Yay or Nay: White after Labor Day

At the end of every summer I wrestle with whether or not it's okay to wear white after Labor Day (and usually tend not to).

I know, I know. It's an antiquated rule that only your grandmother still follows, but I kinda have a thing for tradition. And there must be something to this "rule" if people still turn up their noses at the very thought of it - the horror!

Fortunately, we have evolved a bit. And while many, myself included, would agree that this unofficial end-of-summer holiday is an appropriate time to retire your white linen pants and sundress for the season, there are perfectly acceptable ways to keep some pieces in rotation for a few more months.

Ch-ch-check it:

White after Labor Day: The skirt

White after Labor Day: The blazer

Polyvore sets here and here.

What are your thoughts? Do you stick to tradition or break the rules?

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. I say nay! I am traditional as well. I still wear white pieces but not white pants, skirts or shorts!

  2. I think fashion is all about not following rules ;) Wear what makes you happy!
    xo Cara


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