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September 6, 2011

Rainy days and Tuesdays...

A rainy Tuesday after a long, relaxing weekend does little by way of motivation. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what kept me busy these past few days. Trust me, though, I was uber productive!

But!!! This means I can finally break out my new rain boots.......despite the fact it wasn't drizzling even a little bit on my way into work this morning. (Unless you count the guy hosing down the sidewalk. He gets me every time.) It'll be pouring later on today, you guys, I promise.

Follow me on Twitter! @AllyCog


  1. those are darling! ive never owned a pair of rainboots myself.. mostly do to the fact that until a few months ago, i lived in the very dry Kingman, Arizona. haha hopefully my new residence will give me a reason to get some!

    much love! xoxo

  2. I'm on the edge of getting a pair of Hunters. Are they worth it?!?!

    Meggy from Chasing Davies


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